Remembering a Troll

Old social constructs.

Biology’s messy side?

Offends his Yin / Yang.

Argument From False Authority

Cites Dawkins, melts down:

We asked him for evidence,

Not Papal mandates.

No Sociology, Therefore No Social Constructs

“Hearts and minds aren’t real.”

“We’re just meat between our legs.”

“Words are meaningless.”

Uncommon Equals Imaginary

“Only common counts!”

Two atoms: 1 and 2. More?

“Trace elements? Boo!”

Voices From His Pants

“Gametes define you!

And which pronouns I should use!”

Brought no microscope.

His DEI Confessions

“We need training wheels!

Normies can’t compete on a

Level playing field!”


White Men: Easy Mode!

We can’t compete on Normal!

Where’s our gold trophy?

When All You Have is a Gamete…

A gamete tool belt:

He said, “all social functions,

are hammered by meat.”

The Right Tool For the Job

He saw everything

through a reproductive lens.

“Just talking?! Taboo!”

Basic Logic Fail

“All swans: black or white.”

Me: “You showed us a gray swan.”

“Birth defects don’t count!”


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